Thursday 19 December 2013

R u Aware about this...???

Spring or Winters...??? 

Contrary a popular belief, the Bible doesn't actually mention a specific date for Jesus Birth. In fact, most historians believe, he was probably born in the Spring .

Is that So...???

Christmas was so inconsequential in early America that after the Revolutionary War, Congress didn't even bother taking the day off to celebrate Christmas.

That's true - "Christmas used to be illegal."

In 1965 - Christmas Sighting

In 1965 two astronauts on their way back to Orbit Spotted something in space they couldn't identify. Frantic, they radioed Mission Control. After several minutes of tense silence, engineers at cape canaveral began hearing the faint jingle of sleigh bells followed by harmonica rendition of " Jingle Bells"....played by none other than the two "frantic" astronauts .

The men later donated the Harmonica and bells to the National Museum of Space & Aeronautics in Washington.

Christmas Eve Break

Five months into the first world war, troops along the Western front took a Christmas Eve Break from fighting. German fighter approached British fighters by wishing " Merry Christmas" . They Shake hands and exchange cigarettes as gift.

Re- Created

St. Francis of Assisi re-created the birth of jesus to explain the holiday to his followers . During the first display, the manager was also used as an altar for Christmas.

Story behind Tree

Even before the arrival of the Christianity , German decorated evergreen trees to brightens the dark, foggy days of the Winters. The first "Christmas tree " appeared in Strasbourg in the 17 th century and spread to Pennsylvania in the 1820 with the arrival of German immigrants. When Queen Victoria married Germany's Prince Albert in 1840, he brought tradition to England . After 8 years, the first American newspaper ran a picture of the royal  Christmas tree, and Americans outside Pennsylvania quickly followed suit.

Christmas Around the World

Christmas is not vary from culture to culture , the geographic locations also has great impact on the celebration of Christmas:

  • The population of Australia and New Zealand celebrate Christmas with their family and friends on beach with barbecues.
  • Spian hosted the world largest lottery during Christmas eve.
  • Greeks don't exchange any gifts till 1st jan.
  • Portuguese revelers hold a feast on Christmas day.
  • Finns often visit saunas on Christmas eve.

Friday 29 November 2013

Celebration on the birth of Son Of God

Birth of... Son Of God..!!

Christmas is signified as the birth of jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was believed to the Son Of God. Christmas is celebrated on the birth of Jesus. Christmas is said to be the only festival of of the Christians. Acc. to  the BIBLE, Mary was engaged to marry Joseph who was a carpenter. but one day an angel visited her and  told her that and told her that she will conceive a child and she is to name him "JESUS" . He was born near a village called Bethlehem. since they were traveling at that point of time , they had no place to stay So jesus was born in Stable Nearby.

Christmas is believed to be a western festival.It seems to believe that Europeans brought Christianity to the country. Today what we see, especially in Urban India, is without doubt an adaption of the western celebration criteria. Celebrated on the 25 th day of the month of December every year.It marks the birth of Jesus Christ, savior of mankind. Every family, Christian or Non christian , revel in the merriment and indulge in activities to enjoy the Yuletide.

B.C means Before Christ and A.D meaning Anno Domini which means " the year of our Lord" according to the Gregorian calendar. So 2000 A.D mean 2000th year of our Lord, today the international use of this system has been rejected. It is replaced by C.E and B.C.E ( common Era and Before Common Era)

Christmas is celebrated in Proactive mood of festival. People go for shopping buy Christmas theme ornaments.Like A tree and the decoration material of for the tree.They decorate tree with lights. little lamps, small gifts. bells , ribbons and they use banana and mango leaves for the decoration of their houses.

  Santa Clause is the main essence of this celebration. Santa gave gifts to all childrens, which make children very happy. Even people use to exchange gifts, chocolates, etc. Even a day  before people organise a huge party and they celebrate till 12am for wishing everyone Merry Christmas. 

In India every festival has their own significance of celebration...!!

Friday 22 November 2013

II Phase of Harvest Festival...!!

Thai Pongal...

The Harvest festival celebrated in South India is Thai Pongal. It is celebrated at the end of the harvest season. This festival is celebrated by the Tamils in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, the Indian Union territory of Pondicherry and Sri Lanka.

Pongal marks the beginning of the northward journey of the sun from its southern most limit, a movement traditionally referred as Uttarayana. 

It is coincide with the festival of Makar Sankranti.

Basically the  " Pongal " refers itself  to the " boiling Over". Pongal is also the name of the sweetened dish which is ritually Consumed on the day of festival.

In the days of festivals Banana leaves and Mango leaves are the main stuff of decoration in the houses of Tamilians and Rice flour is used to draw a decoration patterns on the floors.

Traditional Dish of Pongal:

Pongal  $weet Dish 
A traditional Pongal dish which is prepared from rice and milk. This Pongal sweet dish include cardamom, jaggery, raisins, mung dal, and cashew nuts. This dish is prepared in sunlight and usually in the porch. The tradition behind this is , this dish is dedicated to the Sun God, Surya. The influencing part of this dish is , It is prepared in clay pot which is known as Kollam. It is decorated with coloured patterns. This dish can be served in both the ways Sweet and Salty.

 The amazing fact about this dish is, It is served on Banana leaves.

Maatu Pongal / Mattu Pongal:

Maatu Pongal/ Mattu Pongal is intended to demonstrate our recognition and affection to castle and decorate them with garlands, apply kungumam (Kumkum) on their foreheads and are feed with a mixture of venn pongal, jaggery, honey, banana, other fruits.

Maatu Pongal / Mattu Pongal is a festival celebrated together by the villagers to thanks the cows for their favour in farming. People bathe their castles and paint their horns with colorful paints.

Along with all these Pongal festival There is a 1 more festival is known as Kanu Pidi. Kanu Pidi is a tradition followed by the females of the South . This festivals is basically celebrate for the well being of brother . Women of the family place different kinds of coloured rice, cooked vegetables, banana, and sweet pongal on a ginger leaf and turmeric leaf and invite the cows, Which descend in hordes to share and enjoy the " Kanu Pidi " feast.

At the people torch out of coconut leaves and burn with fire and run around castles thrice and run to the border of the village and drop their, this ritual is performed to remove all Drishti.

Kaanum Pongal:

The word Kaanum Pongal means " to view" . People visit relatives and friends to enjoy the festive season. Basically this day is celebrated to thanks all the relatives and friends for their support in the Harvest.

The main fact behind this festival is, this festival is started as a farmer's festival , today it has become a national festival for all Tamils irrespective of their origins or even religion.

In Andhra Pradesh Mukkanuma, the final day of Sankranthi festival is celebrated to worship castle. Mukkanuma is famous among the non- vegetarians of society. People do not eat any non- vegetarian dishes during the first three days of the festivals and eat it only on the day of Mukkanuma.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Celebration on the arrival of Spring...

Maghe Sankranti is a nepalese festival observed on the first Magh in the Bikram Samwat Nepali Calendar (about jan 14) bringing an end to the ill-omened month of Poush when all religious ceremonies are forbidden. On this day, the sun is believed to leave its southern most position and begin its northward journey.  Makar Sankranti is also believed to mark the arrival of spring in India.

Religious Pinch : In Mahabharata, King Bhishma, Who had power to control his own death, happen to choose to die on the day of Maghe Sankranti. Therefore it is believed that one to die on this day might achieve  Moksha, a release from rebirth cycle.

Observant Hindus takes bath on during this festivals.

As per Kirat Community this festival is celebrated as a start of a new year which is called Yele Dhung.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

One Festivals Many Celebrations......!!!!

The land of India is blessed with all the colours of festivals and all the flavours of culture.

Harvest Festivals in India

  • In Tamil Nadu celebrated as Thai Pongal
  • Andhra Pradesh, Bengal, Kerala, Bihar, Goa, Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh Celebrated as Makara Sankranti.
  • Gujarat and Rajasthan Celebrated as Uttarayana
  • Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab celebrated as Lohri
  • Assam celebrated as Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu

  • Nepal celebrated as Maghe Sankranti
Food For Festivals

Thursday 14 November 2013

A day of Celebration -  Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

He was born to kalu Mehta and mata tripta devi in hindu family in the village of talwandi, now called Nankana sahib near Lahore. He had one  older sister bibi Nanki.

How early childhood, Bibi Nanki saw in her brother the light of god but she did not reveal this secret to anyone.she is known as the first discipline of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Even as a boy Nanak was fascinated by Hindu Religion and his desire to explore the mysteries of life eventually led him to leave home.

Nanak married Sulakhani and they had 2 sons, Shri chand and lakhmi Das.

True Business :- When Guru Dev Ji were 12 years old his father gave him 20 rupees and asked him to do a business.Guru Nanak Dev Ji bought food for all the money and distributed among saints, and poor.when his father asked him what happened to business? He replied that he had done a “True business”at the place where Guru Nanak Dev had fed the poor, this Gurdwara was made and named "sacha sauda".

Treasure of truth :- One morning,When he was twenty-eight,Guru Nanak  Dev went as usual down to the river to bathe and was said that he was gone for three days.when he reappeared,it is said he was “filled with the spirit of god”.his first words after his re-emergence were: “There is no Hindu, there is no muslim”.

Guru Nanak Spent the final years of his life in Kartarpur where Langar free blessed food was available. The food would be partaken of by Hindus, Rich, Poor, both high and so called low castes. Guru Nanak worked in the fields and earned his livelihood. After appointing Bhai Lehna as the new sikh Guru,on 22 september 1539,aged 70, guru Nanak met with his demise.

Monday 11 November 2013

Festivals in Dravida.....

Festivals in Dravida.....
On the land of festival, That is INDIA.  The southern part of the India is known as DRAVIDA as we heard in National Anthem. The southern zone of India is widely known as South India.The state of southern region are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala. These are the territories of colorful festivals. Indian celebrate very festival in unique way of festivity. 

Food, Colors, Dance are the core stuff of South Indian celebrations.

India is the only place where we can enjoy the diverse culture of distinct places.Every place of India having their own festivals and traditional celebrations.

The Festivity – Onam Festival in Kerala

Preparation of a floral carpet called “Athappookkalam” in front of houses, from the first day of ‘Atham’ to the tenth day of ‘Thiruvonam’ is part of the festivities, which is a symbolic gesture to welcome King Mahabali.
A sumptious meal on plantain leaf and the traditional sweet dish of Kerala ‘Payasam’ etc are served in every house The pomp and pageantry of Onam reflects the Keralite’s zest for all the beautiful things of life.
The Harvest Festival – Onam

Onam, the harvest festival is the most popular festival of Kerala. A festival that celebrates a happy blend of myth and reality, Onam is part of the cultural repertoire of every Malayalee.

It brings back nostalgic memories, carried on the wings of folklore, of a bygone Utopian era of prosperity, equality and righteousness, under the golden reign of Mahabali. Year after year, for centuries, the people of Kerala, irrespective of caste, creed or colour, join together to welcome back their vanquished king. The ten-day Onam festival falls in August-September, coinciding with the beginning of the harvest season.
The Legend – Onam Festival

According to local belief, in a war that took place between the gods and the demons, the demons won. Deeply hurt by the defeat of the gods, Aditi, their mother prayed to Lord Vishnu to destroy Mahabali, the demon king.
Consequently, Lord Vishnu, in the guise of a Brahmin boy, Vamanan, went to Mahabali and asked him to grant him three steps of land. The wish was granted and Vamanan covered the whole land with his two steps and then he came back to the King asking him where can he place the third step.
The king to honour his word, offered his head as the third step. Vamanan pushed Mahabali deep down into the earth. Pleased by his honesty and generosity, the lord in turn granted him a wish that he could he could visit his kingdom and people on a particular day once a year.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Shopping for the season of Festivals.

Lights & Decorations.....!!!

Hello friends... Everyone is busy in Diwali shopping. Shopping by going markets is an old idea don't you think..?? Then lets try this Diwali a new Idea of Shopping by sitting home.Now days Going market and shop is seems like outdated. On the other hand Online shopping is highlighted way to shop . Most of the us don't Want stuck in traffic and bear lotss of noise pollution in market due to DIWALI. So Avoid this and prefer online shopping. Online everything is available. Lights, home Decors, Lamps, Dias  Ethic essence for your home and many more other options. different varieties of gifts are also available .

What you can buy For this Different Diwali :
  • Lights and Lamps :  For brighten your life and career. Reflects the addition in grace of Health and Wealth.

  •  Candles And Dias Flame of Candles and diyas burn all the difficulties and Light up the happiness.
  • Colors : Add lots of colors in the decorations of your home. Like Rangoli, Different lights, etc.which fill your life with the different colors of Joy.

This was the great experience of doing shopping by sitting home on just 1 click.

There are some sites which you can refer:

Celebrate this Diwali,as a New Diwali Go for green and safe Diwali and Happy Diwali. 

Saturday 26 October 2013

Hii !!! its Me....

Hello Friends.... Jasleen here. With this blog I just wanna share some of my experiences and all kind of festivals celebrated in India. I am working on the concept that everyone knows about our culture and our celebrations, our Festivals ( utsava).

A festival (Utsav)  may be observed with acts of worship, offerings to deities, fasting, vigil,rituals,,celebrations,puja, Homa, Aarti etc.

Utsav ( festival) is basically a Sanskrit word Utsava . It is combination of two "Ut" which means "removal" and "sava" which means "worldly sorrows " or " grief".

 Best part of the Festivals is Indians celebrate all festivals without any distinctions of caste, gender and class etc.