Thursday 19 December 2013

R u Aware about this...???

Spring or Winters...??? 

Contrary a popular belief, the Bible doesn't actually mention a specific date for Jesus Birth. In fact, most historians believe, he was probably born in the Spring .

Is that So...???

Christmas was so inconsequential in early America that after the Revolutionary War, Congress didn't even bother taking the day off to celebrate Christmas.

That's true - "Christmas used to be illegal."

In 1965 - Christmas Sighting

In 1965 two astronauts on their way back to Orbit Spotted something in space they couldn't identify. Frantic, they radioed Mission Control. After several minutes of tense silence, engineers at cape canaveral began hearing the faint jingle of sleigh bells followed by harmonica rendition of " Jingle Bells"....played by none other than the two "frantic" astronauts .

The men later donated the Harmonica and bells to the National Museum of Space & Aeronautics in Washington.

Christmas Eve Break

Five months into the first world war, troops along the Western front took a Christmas Eve Break from fighting. German fighter approached British fighters by wishing " Merry Christmas" . They Shake hands and exchange cigarettes as gift.

Re- Created

St. Francis of Assisi re-created the birth of jesus to explain the holiday to his followers . During the first display, the manager was also used as an altar for Christmas.

Story behind Tree

Even before the arrival of the Christianity , German decorated evergreen trees to brightens the dark, foggy days of the Winters. The first "Christmas tree " appeared in Strasbourg in the 17 th century and spread to Pennsylvania in the 1820 with the arrival of German immigrants. When Queen Victoria married Germany's Prince Albert in 1840, he brought tradition to England . After 8 years, the first American newspaper ran a picture of the royal  Christmas tree, and Americans outside Pennsylvania quickly followed suit.

Christmas Around the World

Christmas is not vary from culture to culture , the geographic locations also has great impact on the celebration of Christmas:

  • The population of Australia and New Zealand celebrate Christmas with their family and friends on beach with barbecues.
  • Spian hosted the world largest lottery during Christmas eve.
  • Greeks don't exchange any gifts till 1st jan.
  • Portuguese revelers hold a feast on Christmas day.
  • Finns often visit saunas on Christmas eve.

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