Friday 29 November 2013

Celebration on the birth of Son Of God

Birth of... Son Of God..!!

Christmas is signified as the birth of jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was believed to the Son Of God. Christmas is celebrated on the birth of Jesus. Christmas is said to be the only festival of of the Christians. Acc. to  the BIBLE, Mary was engaged to marry Joseph who was a carpenter. but one day an angel visited her and  told her that and told her that she will conceive a child and she is to name him "JESUS" . He was born near a village called Bethlehem. since they were traveling at that point of time , they had no place to stay So jesus was born in Stable Nearby.

Christmas is believed to be a western festival.It seems to believe that Europeans brought Christianity to the country. Today what we see, especially in Urban India, is without doubt an adaption of the western celebration criteria. Celebrated on the 25 th day of the month of December every year.It marks the birth of Jesus Christ, savior of mankind. Every family, Christian or Non christian , revel in the merriment and indulge in activities to enjoy the Yuletide.

B.C means Before Christ and A.D meaning Anno Domini which means " the year of our Lord" according to the Gregorian calendar. So 2000 A.D mean 2000th year of our Lord, today the international use of this system has been rejected. It is replaced by C.E and B.C.E ( common Era and Before Common Era)

Christmas is celebrated in Proactive mood of festival. People go for shopping buy Christmas theme ornaments.Like A tree and the decoration material of for the tree.They decorate tree with lights. little lamps, small gifts. bells , ribbons and they use banana and mango leaves for the decoration of their houses.

  Santa Clause is the main essence of this celebration. Santa gave gifts to all childrens, which make children very happy. Even people use to exchange gifts, chocolates, etc. Even a day  before people organise a huge party and they celebrate till 12am for wishing everyone Merry Christmas. 

In India every festival has their own significance of celebration...!!

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