Sunday 11 May 2014

Mothers Day..

Hello Friends..!!

All of you Mother's, and I think most of you know who you are, may I have your attention please  ??
Today is a special day set aside to pay tribute to you and all of your virtues ! The virtues of a Mother are far too numerous to list! I suspect that the job is part instinct, and part learned behavior. And, where does one learn such behavior ? From your Mother. So first of all, every one of you lovely ladies are a walking tribute to the person that taught you to be a Mother. Your own Mother !

So today is Mothers Day. I struggle with Mother's Day gifts every year. I want my gifts to be thoughtful. I want them to mean something more than what they actually are. I want the moms in my life to like them. That is why, after last year's endless quest to find the perfect gift, I gave up. There is no perfect gift for Mother's Day, because no one object can contain or properly reflect the amount of love I have for their mom. Mother's Day spending will reach $20 billion this year, according to the National Retail Federation. But the Mother's Day gift most moms say they want isn't available in a store.

Here’s the top gifts everyone else will be buying Mom this week, according to the NRF. But what Mom’s really want won’t cost you a dime.

Most popular gifts for Mother’s Day

  1. Greeting cards. More than 81% of shoppers will pick up a greeting card for Mom.
  2. Flowers. This will be a busy week for florists, too, as two-thirds of consumers surveyed plan to contribute to the estimated $2.3 billion spent on flowers and bouquets.
  3. Brunch or dinner. Get your reservations in early—you’ll be fighting for table space. More than 56% of the people surveyed will be going to a restaurant to the tune of $3.8 billion nationwide.
  4. Gift card. Don’t know what to buy Mom? Many people—43% of those surveyed—punt on a decision and just get a gift card from her favorite store.
  5. Clothing. About a third of shoppers surveyed “will look for spring sweaters and blouses, spending a total of $1.7 billion on apparel and accessory items,” according to the NRF.
  6. Jewelry. Bring on the bling—nearly 32% are planning to shell out an estimated $3.6 billion of jewelry for Mother’s Day.
  7. Spa. More than one-fifth of shoppers plan to give a personal experience gift like a day at the spa.
  8. Books and CDs. Nearly 20% of us will get Mom something to listen to or read.
  9. Housewares or gardening tools. Items for the home and garden are popular among 18.2% of Mother’s Day shoppers.
  10. Gadget. Personal electronic devices, such as smartphones and iPads, will be purchased by 13% of shoppers, for an estimated $1.7 billion in sales. That’s down from $2.3 billion spent on mother for gadgets last year.

This year’s going to be the 100th anniversary of Mother’s Day as an officially recognized holiday in United States.The modern Mother's Day has been assimilated into Indian culture,and it is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May.

In India, mothers are considered as god to their children.Indians do not celebrate the occasion as a religious one, but do their best to thank their mothers for care and love.

Traditionally, mothers are given great importance in Indian culture. The day is celebrated mostly in urban centers, by performing special acts to honor them and their contribution to the family. It is called मातृ दिनम् (mat dinam) (from Sanskrit). As per Hindu tradition, mothers are paid homage to on Saraswati pooja day during Devi Navratri, with "Maatri Pooja" (worship of mother).